Event Tickets

Tickets to the Camp Reed Fundraiser & Auction include admission to the event, dinner, and complementary wine. Additional beer, wine, and cocktails are available for purchase at the event.

Tickets can be purchased either individually or as a table. The purchase of a table includes admission for 10 (ten) guests - you do not need to know who all of your guests are at the time of purchase, Camp Reed staff will contact you closer to the event for that information.


NEW! Become a monthly contributor to the Camp Reed Endowment and receive 2 (two) complimentary tickets to the 2024 Camp Reed Fundraiser & Auction! Minimum commitment of $25/month over 12 months.

Click here to contribute to the Camp Reed Endowment and the Camp Reed team will follow up to provide you with your 2024 Camp Reed Fundraiser & Auction tickets.


Can't make it to the event? Please consider adding a donation below to Camp Reed to help send kids to camp!

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Single Admission Ticket $0.00

Reserved Table (10 included) $0.00
Registration opens: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Registration closes: Sunday, October 27, 2024

I would like to make a donation to Camp Reed
